Allergies are quite a well-known issue and most people are aware what symptoms signify this problem. They nevertheless fail to understand how devastating allergies can be for someone suffering from them. Allergy symptoms don’t have to have control over your life. Read the strategies in this guide and find ways on how to effectively deal with your allergies.
When it’s nice outside, you might want to open your windows to save on your cooling costs. Opening your windows can lead to allergic reactions. A better option is to use a HEPA filter in your air-conditioning unit; this drastically reduces the amount of indoor allergens. It might not be as fresh as fresh air, but your breathing will improve.
Wherever possible, try not to use carpets or large area rugs in your house. Eliminating 100% of allergens from carpets and rugs is next to impossible, which means mites, pollen and other particulates will be waiting for you with every step you take. Make use of flooring that can be mopped or swept clean instead.
Before retiring, shower and shampoo your hair. Your hair and body collects allergens throughout the day, and can cause nighttime allergies to occur while you sleep. All you have to do is do a quick wash, and you will feel better in the long run.
While allergy tests are a good way to determine which allergens will affect you, these tests cannot determine how much those allergens will affect you. For instance, a test can tell you that you have an allergy to a specific type of spore. It may be that you suffer only very mild symptoms when the allergen is present, or you may suffer nothing whatsoever.
Exercising outside can expose you to a lot of pollen, so the pick the right times to exercise. Try going out in either the dawn or dusk hours. Studies have shown pollen counts are lowest during these times.
A good tip for avoiding allergens is to avoid any product that contains colorant. This includes bathroom tissue, which might have some sort of dye. You should change things around your house, like changing to products that are white paper.
If you own pets and have allergies, you might be unsure if you are allergic to your pets. You can have a pet dander test performed by an allergen doctor. You do not have to give up your pet, but you might want to make some alterations in your lifestyle.
When vacationing with a child that suffers from food allergies, make sure to bring your own safe foods along, especially for travel to foreign countries. Sometimes it is difficult to locate the contents of certain foods, increasing the risk of bringing on a reaction caused by nuts, dairy, soy and other common food allergens.
Use your allergy medication properly. Many medications require you to take them for several days at a constant dosage in order to see results. Don’t just start taking pills without learning how to use them. Make certain to consult a doctor about proper medication usage.
Store trash outdoors. Keeping your garbage indoors attracts pests, such as rodents and bugs. Your allergies can be made worse from mice droppings. If your rodent problem persists, it may be time to consider rodent traps. If that doesn’t work, consider poison.
Keep windows shut when pollen is most likely to be floating around. Fresh air is great, but you should avoid keeping your windows open when pollen counts are high. This is typically from mid-morning until mid-afternoon. Outside of this time, feel free to air out your home by opening the windows.
Do not panic if the results of your allergy tests show several positive reactions to numerous allergens. Many people inhale, consume or touch allergens on a daily basis but do not necessarily experience an allergic reaction. Often, allergies can go on for years without being detected.
Food allergies can be a lot more easily managed than those triggered from things such as pet dander, pollen or dust. Stop disliking seasonal changes. You can overcome many of your allergy symptoms with the right treatment. Remember the tricks in this guide so you can finally stop sneezing.