You are surely aware of the debilitating effects of allergies if you are an allergy sufferer. It isn’t so much fun to stay indoors to avoid allergies. Continue reading for some great advice about how to get more out of the life you are living.
For safety’s sake, remember to use over-the-counter antihistamine when you are at home. Many antihistamines have ingredients that cause drowsiness or slowed reflexes. Even if there are no warnings on the labeling, refrain from driving when you take the first doses.
Wash your hair and take a shower prior to bed. Your hair and body collects allergens throughout the day, and can cause nighttime allergies to occur while you sleep. Just rinse off, and you will have a better night’s sleep.
People are more likely to develop certain allergies at a specific age. For instance, proteins become exposed to babies through certain foods. This explains why food allergies are so common in little ones. As they grow older and are introduced to other types of foods they are not used to, they may develop allergies to some of those new foods. You need to keep in mind that children are quite capable of developing genuine allergies to airborne spores or pollen, even if they have never had an allergic reaction to anything other than foods.
Do you know that your body can actually be the cause of your allergic reaction? It’s true! Over the course of the day, your hair, skin and clothing may become covered in pollen, mold, dust and other allergens. In the evening, especially during sleep, these allergens can cause harm to your airways. Shower or put on clean clothing before you lay your head down to rest.
Remove carpets if you suffer from allergies. Putting in hardwood floors instead of having carpet will ensure that no allergens are lurking just under your feet. If you are able to afford it, you might consider changing out wall to wall carpet for tile, laminate or wood flooring. This will greatly reduce the amount of ambient particulates (many of which are allergens) in your home. If changing flooring is not an option, then be sure to vacuum every day.
If you are dealing with troublesome allergies, then pay attention to the time of day! Pollen navigates the air in abundance between five and ten o’clock in the morning, so don’t go out then if you don’t have to. If you have to go out, do not do too much and make your trip quick.
If you’ve tried a couple allergy treatments without success, don’t give up. In addition to the standard pill medications, your doctor has many other forms of medication to treat allergy symptoms. Other medical solutions you can try include prescription drugs, such as leukotriene blockers and nasal steroids, and basic OTC alternatives, such as antihistamine eye drops and nasal saline sprays.
You now have great information in your allergy fighting arsenal to deal with symptoms more easily. Life is too full of fun for you to miss out on it so use the tips here to help you battle your allergies.