There are many forms of allergies. Sometimes allergic reactions can be deadly; however, they are usually fairly mild. Also there are a lot of ways people can become allergic, things like food and dust can make people experience allergies. The more you understand about allergies, the better your odds are of avoiding them and treating them.
To be on the safe side, test any new store-bought antihistamine at home first. A lot of them can cause you to be very sleepy and slow your reflexes. Even if there aren’t serious warnings on the package, take your first does at home instead of when you have to drive.
Before settling in for bed, hop in the shower and shampoo your hair. Pollen accumulates on your body and in your hair during the day, and could cause an allergic reaction as you try to sleep. Just rinse off, and you will have a better night’s sleep.
Dust Mites
Dust mites are going to manifest no matter what. As you can probably guess, these little guys are living throughout your bedding and pillows, making a meal of your dead skin flakes. Yeah, they’re quite disgusting. Use dust mite covers that help keep out dust mites from both your mattress and your pillows. Wash all bedding at least once a week in hot water, which will kill any dust mites.
Make sure your bathroom has a lot of ventilation to prevent mildew and mold. Mold loves to grow in moist bathrooms, and this is especially true if your bathroom is dark. Make sure all washcloths and wet towels are hung up to dry, and always keep the fan on during and after you shower. If your bathroom has a window, open it an inch or two to bring in clean, dry air.
It is possible that the root of your allergy problem can be found on your own body. This can harm you at night. Everyday, as you move around your business, allergy triggers, such as dust and pollen, can get trapped within your hair and clothes. If you don’t wash up, you can be attacked by all of these substances when you sleep. Consider taking a shower and wearing clean clothes before bed time.
Exercise either in the early morning or late evening to avoid high pollen counts. Pollen levels are highest in the period between late morning and early evening; stay indoors during these times and you can avoid high concentrations of these allergens.
Keep away from dyed products. This comes down to even your toilet paper that may have designs dyed into them. Go for plain white paper products in your home and see if it makes a difference in your allergic suffering.
Though it may be unpleasant to do, keeping windows closed can prevent many allergens from entering the home. Pollen can easily get inside the home through open windows, and cause your allergy symptoms to escalate. It is also important to clean any filters in vents and air-conditioners to reduce the amount of allergens in your home.
If your child suffers from food allergies and you will be traveling, it would be wise to bring foods that you know are safe for your child. Sometimes, certain foods will contain foods that often cause allergic symptoms, such as nuts or soy.
Most allergy sufferers have been told at one time or another to use a humidifier in the bedroom to moisten airways during sleep. This might not be a great way to do this because the humidifier can get the carpet wet which causes a musty smell. Because of this, you should consider trying a saline spray prior to going to bed in order to keep your nasal passages more moist.
The more you know about allergies and their triggers, the more successful you will be at managing them. You can find a lot of medicine in today’s modern world to help you find symptom relief. Read other articles similar to this one to broaden your understanding of this important topic.