Perhaps you have experienced it before. That familiar sensation that feels as though something is creeping up your leg, urging you to get up and move around to make it go away. This is the most common restless leg syndrome that people complain of, but it is not the only sign of this condition. If this sensation in your legs, feet or arms is getting in the way of relaxation or sleep time, it is important to understand the characteristics of a restless leg syndrome symptom. That way, you can head to your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment options that will help you enjoy rest and relaxation once again.
Why does it Occur?
The reason for a restless leg syndrome symptom is not completely known, but there are theories as to why some people experience this condition. Many medical experts believe that the telltales signs of restless leg syndrome are the result of an imbalance of dopamine in the brain. This is the chemical that sends messages throughout the nervous system to control muscles movement in the body. There is some evidence that restless leg syndrome is hereditary, and it also appears to be more common during stressful times of life and during pregnancy. However, a restless leg syndrome symptom during these circumstances may be more temporary in nature, and can disappear on its own once circumstances change.
When does it Occur?
A restless leg syndrome symptom will most commonly occur when periods of inactivity begin. Just when you lie down and try to relax, that familiar crawling sensation may begin. Because of this, most people will find that their restless leg syndrome symptom won’t begin until evening, and will worsen throughout the night. This can be frustrating when you are trying to unwind from your day. In fact, this bothersome restless leg syndrome symptom can keep you from getting a decent night’s rest, leading to insomnia and daytime fatigue in many sufferers. While a restless leg syndrome symptom will rarely indicate a more serious medical problem, it can be cumbersome enough to lead many to seek treatment from their doctor.
Treatment Options
The good news is that there is plenty you can do to alleviate restless leg syndrome symptoms, from regular exercise and hot baths to medications prescribed by your doctor. For some, lifestyle changes are sufficient to keep restless leg syndrome at bay. In addition to exercise and a warm bath, good sleep habits, relaxation techniques and over the counter pain relievers have been proven to be effective. For those who cannot find relief through home remedies, your doctor can prescribe a number of different medications including sleep aids and muscle relaxants to combat the problem.
A restless leg syndrome symptom can be frustrating, but there are steps you can take to keep this condition at bay. If you are having trouble with restless leg syndrome, talk to your doctor today.