Be Prepared For A Restless Leg Syndrome Medication Side Effect

As with any medication, there is a restless leg syndrome medication side effect as well. The two common drugs used for restless leg syndrome are Requip and Mirapex. The side effects vary from one individual to the other, as well as the dose that has been administered.


For this drug the restless leg syndrome medication side effects are quite common like nausea, headache and vomiting. Most people can tolerate the drug quite well, and every patient who takes Requip does not experience a restless leg syndrome medication side effect. Most of the side effects are minor and require no treatment or they can be treated at home or by your local physician.

The drug label generally cautions the patient about the restless leg syndrome medication side effect. Requip may have sedating effects like sleepiness. Hence it is dangerous to drive if you have been taking Requip, because there is a possibility that you might fall asleep. This can happen at any time, even when you are performing some daily activities.

Another common restless leg syndrome medication side effect is to have a dry mouth which is quite easy to relieve. You can suck on sugarless hard candy or ice chips or chew sugarless gum, drink water or you can use a saliva substitute.

Severe Problems

During the initial dosing of the drug, there may be some stronger restless leg syndrome medication side effects like fainting or low blood pressure. There can be dizziness, trouble sleeping or unusual weakness. If the patient starts getting hallucinations, or has difficulty in moving or walking and difficulty in breathing, the doctor must be consulted immediately. Any chest pain or unusually fast or slow heartbeat should be reported immediately as well.


Mirapex is the new drug for restless leg syndrome. The restless leg syndrome medication side effects of Mirapex have been minor and can be easily treated. There are some common side effects like headache, insomnia, nausea and dizziness. Extensive studies have been conducted to test the side effects of the drug on patients suffering from the restless leg syndrome. Nausea is the most common side effect, followed by headaches and insomnia.

In some cases fainting may occur, especially if the patient is suffering from insomnia. It also leads to agitation, anxiety, malaise, fatigue and euphoria. Often doctors combine this drug with other medicines, and this helps to reduce the restless leg syndrome medication side effects. Unwanted sleepiness, nasal congestion and fluid retention can also occur if the drug is consumed for a long period of time.

There are certain rare side effects like impulse control disorders which can occur in a few restless leg syndrome patients, and this needs prompt consultation of the doctor.