How to Recognize the Signs of Restless Leg Syndrome

Most of us look forward to evenings, when we can kick back and relax after a hard day’s work. However, that relaxation never comes to those experiencing a condition known as restless leg syndrome or RLS. People with RLS will try to sit a spell in the evenings, only to find that the signs of restless leg syndrome like a crawling sensation in the legs and feet will begin in the first few moments of inactivity. The only way to relieve the signs of restless leg syndrome is to get up and move around – the last thing you want to do at night when your body is begging for rest! While this condition is not usually a serious one, it can get in the way of daily life and become a major frustration for those experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms. The good news is that there are things you can do to stop RLS in its tracks.

What are the Signs?
The signs of restless leg syndrome primarily occur during times of inactivity, and are characterized by a sensation in the legs and sometimes the arms that gives the sufferer an uncontrollable urge to move around. Some people will describe this sensation as a “creepy crawly” feeling, while others might say it feels like pins and needles on the skin. The signs of restless leg syndrome can range from a slight sensation at night that does not interfere with sleep patterns to an intense feeling that can lead to loss of rest and stress. If you are experiencing any of these signs of restless leg syndrome, you have a couple of options available in terms of treatment. First, you can try to treat the symptoms at home using natural methods that have been proven to be effective for some. If that doesn’t work, you can talk to your doctor about choices in medication that can keep the uncomfortable symptoms at bay.

Treatment Options
Homeopathic treatment for restless leg syndrome might include avoiding certain substances that can exacerbate the problem like caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. You can also try a regular exercise program and relaxation techniques like yoga to reduce uncomfortable symptoms. Some people find that a warm bath and a regular bedtime routine can be effective in diminishing the signs of restless leg syndrome. Another possibility is a variety of herbal supplements that might be helpful. If home treatments do not work, you can talk to your doctor about a prescription to treat signs of restless leg syndrome. These might include muscle relaxants, sleep aids or some epilepsy medications. In severe cases, narcotics may even be prescribed.

RLS may be an uncomfortable condition, but there are treatment options available. If you are dealing with the signs of restless leg syndrome, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your choices.